My baby girl,
As I lie here in the hazy twilight of morning, I can't help but to stare in fascination at your beauty. Your perfect, fresh, untainted beauty. Warm, soft, pink skin sits beneath your head of curly, chestnut hair. Your tiny eyebrow furrows as you quietly dream. A smile slowly creeps across your face. Of what are you dreaming, my darling? Do you see animals and blue skies? Faces of angels? Or perhaps your grandfathers are whispering funny stories to you. Whatever the dream, I pray it's a sweet one. I pray you always know how beautiful you are to me. I pray you always feel wanted and know that you're needed. Being your mother has filled a void I didn't even know I had. Peace and joy bubble over where a heart-shaped hole once was. How can I ever repay you? I promise to always do my best to nourish your body, challenge your mind, and protect your heart. You are my baby, my love, my reminder that each day we are given a chance to value ourselves and care for others. Thank you for making each new morning an opportunity to love, learn, grow, and forgive. Thank you for being my daughter and for making each sunrise the prettiest one I've ever seen.
Love always, mom
Awwww.....sniff sniff!!! I love it. So happy you guys started a blog. My sista in law has a blog also. I am definately excited about keeping up with MR. I am so blessed to know you both.